Today I am launching something I conceived last year but never realized: Barefoot Shoes are for Everyone, the pages. I conceived it as a hashtag on Instagram first and used it to share followers’ barefoot shoes pictures. At the same time I claimed the page, but didn’t have a clear concept of what to do with the page until recently. Inspired by Barefoot Saga and Baresteps highlighting the lack of diversity in the imagery of the community, the page will share the stories of the community in pictures, and in your own words. The point was always to show the diversity in our community so I’m glad the hashtag is being used and hope people will share on the pages, allowing us to see the rich diversity of the people wearing barefoot shoes.
This blog post is a guidepost for anyone who wants to contribute and may be updated in the future. At launch, post contributions should be DMd to either the Instagram or Facebook pages.
What is the point of the page?
When you look up barefoot shoes you see a very narrow demographic and sometimes, mentality. These pages are to help the community represent itself so we can learn about each other, be enriched, and show companies that there’s more than just 1 type of person with 1 lifestyle wearing barefoot shoes.
Does that mean you don’t want people who look like the ads to share?
No, everyone is welcomed and encouraged to share. I’m always for learning more, wherever the learning takes us, as an honest and open approach. I do sincerely hope the diversity in the community is here, and that we will see a mix of responses. But the page will never, ever turn someone away because of how they look, ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Looks are superficial. The stories behind will always be unique.
Do I have to be in a picture?
Yes, but you can control how much of you is in the picture. I’ve started with a headshot, which I’d recommend for the personal connection, but you can do a whole-body shot, just your feet/shoes, or something that is relevant to the story you are sharing. You can also include more than 1 picture in your post.
Tips, if you can: take it in bright, indirect light such as a window (like I did) or in the shade outside.
Can I post anonymously?
Yes. It is your choice if you’d like to be tagged not tagged. The post can include your first name, initials, or whatever is comfortable to you. The default will be your first name and your @ tag on Instagram, and the same on FB if Facebook allows it.
What are we sharing?
I’ve included some prompts in my first post on the pages, such as:
- This is me
- I love barefoot shoes
- This is why
- My favorite brands are
- I don’t feel represented because
There’s no set way to share, or a limit on how you relate to barefoot shoes. If you have a lot of points, we can do multiple posts. I’m simply here to be a curator of community stories. I don’t want to limit the page to any particular side street off the agenda of giving the community a place to share themselves in a deeper way, which can encompass the ideas of diversity and better representation for a wide range of groups. Social media can be very superficial and even fake, so I want to go a bit beyond that to the people in the shoes, not just the shoes themselves. Each story will be unique and, I hope, inspiring in its own way.
How do I submit?
For now, contact the pages on Instagram and Facebook to get started.