When it comes to minimalist, foot-friendly sandals for diverse needs (versus purely dressy options), the world is your oyster. You can have thin or thick sandals, toe-post sandals or z-strap sandals, tech-looks or natural looks, leather, vegan, tire-tread… the options are endless? Even settling on a particular brand leaves you with a myriad of options.
Since writing this post, I’ve begun developing full-scale sandals lists, which you can check out here:
- Barefoot Shoes for Kids
- Barefoot Shoes for Men
- Custom Barefoot Sandals
- Barefoot Shoes for Women (coming soon)
So where do you start?
Ask yourself what’s most important:
- Where you plan to go with the sandals (such as outdoor or around town)
- Does the look matter (are you after a particular style)
- Do you need a certain ground feel?
- How much does flexibility matter?
- What is your foot shape? (do you have certain problem areas in your width)
This post is US-centric because I am in the US, but there are some European brands you can check out if you’re on the other side of the Atlantic. Options include Panta, Avo Schuhe, Monk Sandals, Nallu, and SandaliasTribu. And Xenet and Labky and Tarasoles and Chala and Aborigen and Enix and T.Rockets and Arun and Minimal and Freefoot. (I really need a complete guide here on the blog, but in the meantime check out the Outdoor Sandals highlight at the top of my Instagram page to see pictures of each brand.) And, take heart, international Barefoot Shoes Lovers: most if not all of the sandals mentioned below are also internationally available.
Looking at that list, it’s no wonder this is a hard topic to tackle and even harder to figure out what you want to put on your feet.
So, let’s dig in to the main brands and see what each has to offer. Some of the links below are affiliate or referral links.
This brand is an easy entry into minimalist outdoor sandals. There are only 3 sole thickness options and 2 main lacing options, but the shape is very friendly to multiple types of feet, they are easy to set up, they work for nature and town, and they clean up very easily. There is a break-in period, though. My EarthRunners Mini Review gives a good highlight. They work for different feet volumes very well and you can request longer laces, or even different sized sandals, if you reach out to customer service. Browse here and be sure to use the code OWBSHOES10 for a nice discount. You can also connect with Earthrunners and Rewild Be Free on Instagram.

Luna has so many options they have a sandal picker on their website. They can get you started with thick transition sandals, or go thin. Their shape is flattering and they have a really comfy nylon lacing system with a stretchy pad at the back, as well as leather options. I don’t personally have much experience with the brand, but hope to in the future. I very briefly had the pictured pair that was too big and too stiff for my personal preferences, and you can see one more of it in this video on Instagram or on YouTube. Their primary design is based around a V-shape that sits about midway between your ankles and your toes (further up than I have it in the above picture), with an optional power strap for added security. Check out their options and the handy sandal picker on the website and connect with Luna, Barefoot Ted, and Liv on Instagram.
Shamma Sandals
I’ve now tried 3 different soles and 3 different lacings with Shamma Sandals. They have a distinctive shape that is very wide at the front and curves in at the arch, with a noticeably thinner heel. Like Luna, they have tons of options. They are also very helpful about customizations, which is great for those of us with higher volume feet. You can get both leather and non-leather options, thin or thick soles, and velcro or no velcro on your straps. They have a similar arrangement to Lunas in the strapping system and are frequently worn with the power strap. Personally, they are not high enough volume for me in the velcro models, so I have moved to a custom pair with Warrior LE footbed and all-black leather straps. You can see their myriad of options on their website and connect with them on Instagram. Check out this Mini Review for a highlight of the thinnest option.
These sandals are constantly innovating and have gone through at least 3 generations. They are focused on outdoor adventuring – hiking, kayaking, etc – and have focused their design on security. They also have the absolute best adjustment system I’ve seen so far, especially with their velcro-free latest models. The adjustment system is a big reason I have the shoes and why they get a lot of wear in my house, with me, my husband, and my oldest son all having pairs. Unless you go with Classics, you will get some of the thickest sandals with Bedrocks, but they are extremely flexible so while you sacrifice ground feel your feet are not restricted in their movements. Take a look at the options on their website and connect with them on Instagram.
Xero approaches barefoot from the pre-made option without customizations, with the exception of the DIY kit. You can go with 3 different Z-strap options (Trek, Trail, and Naboso), the Vera Cruz, a water-friendly Keen dupe called the Colorado, or the around-town, feminine Jessie model. I’ve personally tried 3 models, including the pictured and find them easy to wear, wide (you can go men’s if you’re a woman with wide feet), and close to a mainstream look if that’s something you are looking for in your shoes. The Z models are really popular with guys moving away from common men’s mainstream sandals. Check out all the different options here and connect with them on Instagram.
This company has both premade and custom options with different templates and strap designs. They are handmade in the US and are easily adjustable. My high volume feet were at the upper limit but not without capabilities when I tried a resale Pah Tempe Sleek model so if you’re medium to low you can get an easily adjustable, thin sandal with this brand. And with the custom options you can change the shape and width of your final results. Check them out on the website and on Instagram.
Deliberate Life
This company is part of a personal adventure for the owner, who makes the completely customizable sandals on the road as the family travels in a Skoolie (school bus/tiny house conversion). He uses top materials for the sole and recycled climbing gear for the lacing, which gives you really good results. You can also go wild on your customizations, with different thicknesses, lacing colors, footbeds, and even mixing and matching your looks. You can also send in a foot tracing to get a personally-shaped footbed. Check them out on the website and on Instagram.
Paisley Running Sandals
Paisley Running Sandals is a new option on the customized sandal front. Matt works with every customer until you’re fully satisfied and has different types of attachment options for the strap. They’re focused on running (check that name) but have some great looks for around town too. Since they are fully customized there is no worry about foot shape mismatching. Connect with Matt on the website or on Instagram.
What route have you done with the sandals? Have any questions or comments – drop a line below or join the chat on Instagram.